Electrical Distribution
The City of Clinton has owned its electrical system serving both the City and outlying areas since 1907. The City receives electricity from Duke Energy in conjunction with Piedmont Municipal Power Agency.
Piedmont Municipal Power Agency (PMPA®) is a joint action agency formed by ten municipal electric utilities in the northwest section of South Carolina. The Agency provides wholesale electric service to its Members primarily through a 25 percent ownership interest in unit 2 of the Catawba Nuclear Station, located in York County, South Carolina.
Our electrical system is operated and maintained by the Department of Public Works & Utilities Electrical Division. It is comprised of approximately 75 miles of overhead conductor and 10 miles of underground conductor. The nominal operating voltage of the City’s system is 24,940 volts. The City serves around 4,500 customers comprised of residential, commercial, and industrial loads. Electricity is distributed to these customers from two main substations, Carolyn Drive Delivery and Gary Street Delivery.