Tree Commission


The Tree Commission was created to address care and maintenance of public trees, to address how the City addresses trees on private property, and to fulfill a requirement of Tree City USA status.

Applicable Local Code

The Tree Commission is governed by Chapter 84 of the City of Clinton Municipal Code.

Meeting Dates

Regular meetings of the Commission shall be held as needed for transacting such other business as may come before the members. Special meetings may be called by the chairman upon 24-hours’ notice, posted and delivered to all members and local news media. Regular meetings shall be held at the place stated in the notices, and shall be open to the public.


The tree commission shall be composed of five members consisting of the following: Two members of the City of Clinton Planning Commission, of which one will be the current Chairman and the other selected by the majority of the current members of the Planning Commission to serve a one year term. Two members of the City of Clinton Design Review Board, of which one will be the current Chairman and the other selected by the majority of the current members of the Design Review Board to serve a one year term. One member at-large appointed by the City Council in accordance with standard city procedures regarding boards and commissions to serve a three year term.