Parks and Recreation
The City of Clinton provides eight parks for the enjoyment of citizens and visitors. The parks, scattered throughout the neighborhoods and tree lined streets of the city, provide space for outdoor recreation, organized sporting events, and public green space. In addition to these parks, public green space and the hub for many city events can be found at Vance Park located on the grounds of the M.S. Bailey Municipal Center.
- Calvert Avenue Park, located at the intersection of Calvert Avenue and South Adair Street, features a small play area
- Clinton Mill Park, located at the intersection of Jefferson and Sloan Streets, features a playground and picnic area
- Josh and Ella Savage Park, located on Willard Road, features a playground, basketball courts, and a picnic area
- Vance Park, located at intersection of W. Pitts Street and Elizabeth Street
- Oak Street Park, located at the intersection of Oak Street and West Centennial Street, includes playgrounds, basketball courts, and a picnic area
- Pine Haven Park, located on Willard Road, has a playground and picnic area
- Pine Street Park, located at the intersection Pine Street and Cedar Street, is home to the Boy Scout and Girl Scout Huts and features a ball field, picnic area, and a playground
- Lydia Mill Park, located at the intersection of Peachtree Street and Pine Street, features a ball field and a playground
*If you or your organization plan on hosting an organized event at one of these parks you may need to obtain a special events permit - for more information click the permit box link on the right column of this page or contact Ashley Rochester 864-200-4505 or arochester@cityofclintonsc.com.
At the November 5, 2018 City Council meeting, Mayor and Council voted unanimously to purchase up to 170 acres for the first outdoor recreation complex the city has ever built and owned. The property is located off of S.C. Highway 56 and is identified as the Watkins Trust Property. Planning is currently underway for the future of this site.
Stay tuned – exciting things are on the horizon for Clinton Recreation!