Mayor and Council
The City Council meets regularly on the first Monday of each month at 6:00 p.m. in the P. S. Bailey City Council Chambers on the second floor of the M. S. Bailey Municipal Center at 211 North Broad Street.
Meetings are open to the public.
Council members serve four-year, staggered terms. Elections are held in March on odd-numbered years.
Comer "Randy" Randall
864-547-4856 (Mobile)
(Term Expires 3/2027)
email: rrandall@cityofclintonsc.com
City Council Members
Danny Cook, Ward 1
(Term Expires 3/2025)
email: dcook@cityofclintonsc.com
Anita Williams, Ward 2
864-547-3648 (Mobile)
(Term Expires 3/2027)
email: awilliams@cityofclintonsc.com
Robbie Neal, Ward 3
864-981-9109 (Mobile)
(Term Expires 3/2025)
email: rneal@cityofclintonsc.com
Gary Kuykendall, Ward 4
864-833-6569(H); 864-684-4255 (Mobile)
(Term Expires 3/2023)
email: gkuykendall@cityofclintonsc.com or Gk73054@gmail.com
Ronnie Roth, Mayor Pro Tem, Ward 5
(Term Expires 3/2025)
email: rroth@cityofclintonsc.com or rroth@printersassociates.com
Megan Walsh, Ward 6
(Term Expires 3/2023)
email: mwalsh@cityofclintonsc.com