Fire & Life Safety Inspections
The purpose of these inspections is to check for compliance with the fire codes to reduce fire hazards and to help educate businesses about fire safe practices. Common inspection items inside a building include: maintenance of exits, properly maintained automatic fire sprinkler systems, working fire alarm systems, self-releasing doors, fire walls, fire extinguishers, operating illuminated exit signs, working emergency area lighting, good housekeeping and unsafe use of electricity. External fire inspection items include: maintenance of fire lanes, legibly posted address, use of a Knox Box and clearance around fire hydrants.
During the inspection any serious violations that pose an imminent risk to fire and life safety will need to be corrected on-the-spot (i.e. a blocked exit, overcrowding, etc.). Less serious violations will be noted and a report with a timeline to correct those items will be provided to the business manager or owner. Fire inspectors will also inform and educate businesses on safe practices to encourage fire safe behavior and practices. Re-inspections are conducted as needed to ensure compliance and correction of noted violations.
To request an inspection to ensure that your property is in compliance, click here or call the Fire Marshal's Office: 864-200-4535.
To speed up the process of your Inspection, click here to fill out the Pre-Fire Plan Business Information Form.
Codes Currently Adopted
Clinton Fire is currently implementing the 2018 International Fire Code which is put out by the International Code Conference. Accordingly, the State of South Carolina has 2021 IFC currently adopted for enforcement. A list of the current NFPA codes for reference by the State of South Carolina can be seen here.
Permits are issued based on the project proposed. Depending on the project, type of occupancy, and scope of work, a set of architectural plans will also need to be submitted to the Fire Marshal. Plans for sprinkler systems must be submitted to LLR, at the State, for review before the permitting process can begin.
To obtain a permit in the City district, contact the City of Clinton Department of Inspections and Planning. To obtain a permit in our County district, contact the Laurens County Building Codes Department.
Certificate of Occupancy
Commercial Occupancies are subject to fire inspections on a yearly basis. However, to obtain a Certificate of Occupancy, a Fire and Life Safety Inspection must be performed in conjunction with the Building Inspection performed by the Building Official. Once the Certificate of Occupancy is issued, a pre-plan will be performed by Department members to obtain information on the occupancy for emergency calls.