How do I call for services of Clinton Fire Department if I need them?
Simply call "911" and give your location and/or address to the 911 Communications Specialist to whom you are talking. Never panic and try to stay calm as possible. Be prepared to give as much information as you can about the nature of the emergency you are calling about.
What should I do when a fire truck approaches me while I am driving?
If any emergency vehicle approaches you with emergency lights and sirens on, pull to the right, if safe to do so, and come to a stop. Emergency vehicles are trying to get to a scene as quickly as possible, while driving in a safe manner. Also, when approaching a stopped emergency vehicle, slow down and, if safe to do so, move to a lane of travel not adjacent to the stopped vehicle. Firefighters may be in the roadway helping others.
Why does a fire truck show up with the ambulance when I call for a medical reason?
Clinton Fire Department responds with the nearest ambulance to many EMS incidents. Fire apparatus may be dispatched as a first responder if the information gathered by the call taker meets specific incident type criteria.
How come I see fire trucks with lights and sirens go through a red light and then after they go through, they turn off their lights and slow down?
Several units are sometimes dispatched to the same incident. The first unit arriving on scene surveys the situation and sometimes makes the determination that it is under control, or they can handle with the units on scene. All other responding units are then cancelled and placed in service.
When you see emergency vehicles driving "emergent" with lights and sirens and then slow down and turn emergency lights off, they have been cancelled from they call they were responding to.
Why do so many fire apparatus respond to simple incidents?
There may be multiple fire department vehicles on scene of which seems to be a "simple" incident. However, in emergency services we have learned that if we assume something is "simple" we can be horribly mistaken. We respond as quickly as we can, prepared to encounter the worst.
We have a standard response plan on all incidents. This system is a pre-designated formula that determines the amount and type of equipment sent to an incident. For example a residential structure fire calls for a different response than do commercial/multi-family structure fires.
What is a "Red Flag Alert"?
A Red Flag Alert is a wildfire danger warning issued by the South Carolina Forestry Commission. The Red Flag cautions that wildfire danger is increasing and that outdoor burning could become difficult to control. A Red Flag Alert does not prohibit outdoor burning as long as all other state and local regulations are followed.
After fire damage to my property, how do I obtain a fire report?
You can obtain a fire report by contacting Clinton Fire Department, located at 404 North Broad Street, Clinton, SC 29325. For questions, please call 864-833-7507.